June 22-24, 2025
Flowood, Mississippi
Registration now open!
EARLY BIRD RATES GOOD THROUGH APRIL 1!Please complete the form to the right to register for the ISJL conference.
We are so excited to be returning to The Sheraton Refuge in Flowood. We're lining up an exciting array of presenters, teachers, and resources. There is no registration fee, the only costs are room/board. The rates listed in the registration form cover the cost of your lodging at the hotel, as well as all conference meals and snacks from noon Sunday to noon Tuesday. There is no additional fee beyond the hard costs, although donations to the ISJL are always welcome! Looking for a roommate? If you are interested in being paired with a roommate for a double occupancy room, please email us. NEW THIS YEAR: Arrive early or stay a day longer! We’re offering additional opportunities to explore Jackson, MS—a city full of history and vibrant culture. Join ISJL staff on Saturday or Tuesday and connect further to this unique community. The health and safety of our participants, communities, and staff, is of the utmost importance to the ISJL. Our Safety, Respect, and Equity (SRE) commitment also guides our decision-making around all communal gatherings. As we draw nearer the conference, we will provide up-to-date guidelines for health and safety protocols, in alignment with the most up-to-date CDC recommendations and institutional best practices. |